Our History
Original Free Will Baptist Church
Smith Chapel Original Free Will Baptist Church, located in Four Oaks North Carolina, was organized in 1901 as Johnson Hill Free Will Baptist Church. In 1901 one acre of land was purchased for $10.00 from William R. and Katie F. Snead for the purpose of building a church. It was called Johnson Hill because the church sat somewhat on a hill and adjoined to the land of Alfred Johnson. The first church was a small one room stick built wooden structure with a wood heater.
The church was rebuilt in 1973 and was constructed of concrete blocks. A fellowship hall was later added. October 6, 1975, the church purchased .82 acres of land in the rear of the church to establish a church cemetery. October 2019 the church purchased .503 additional acres of land adjoining the church. August of 2002, Pastor Clarida was elected to serve the congregation as its new pastor. January 17, 2003 Pastor Clarida met with the trustees and informed them of the direction the Lord had him concerning the building of a new sanctuary.
The trustees were in support of the pastor’s vision and on January 18, 2003 it was shared with the congregation. The church voted overwhelmingly to proceed with the construction of a new sanctuary. In 2004, prior to beginning the building project, the church purchased .917 acres of land to be used as additional parking space and to erect a utility building.
Complications with tying the new structure to the existing structure led to the decision to build a separate structure to serve as the new sanctuary. The dedicatory services for the new sanctuary with baptismal pool, classroom and offices took place March 22 thru March 26, 2006. The ministry continued to grow as souls were being added and God sent those that would be instrumental in carrying out the will of God.
The church celebrated the mortgage burning for the sanctuary on December 5, 2015. Bishop Reginald S. Hinton Sr. preached the celebration message as the church celebrated with the community and with friends this great blessing from the Lord.
Construction of an 8700 square foot Outreach Center began in April 2019. Work was completed in December and the dedication service was January 11, 2020. Many community and friends came to witness the celebration of this great blessing from the Lord. Smith Chapel has been blessed to have had great godly pastors, faithful deacons, caring mothers, trustworthy trustees and dedicated members
that have played a significant role in the progress of the ministry down through the years. Smith Chapel continues to be a beacon of light to all who they have the opportunity. To God be all the glory and all the honor for the great things that He has done though this body of believers.